Privacy Policy

This Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) pertains to the website of (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o. DBA), accessible via the website and the cloud-based technology learning platform likewise accessible through that Website, the video players utilized for viewing (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o. DBA) courses, and the mobile applications provided by (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) (“Platform”). Collectively with the Website, these are referred to as the (“Site”), all owned and operated by (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.), an (X COUNTRY) limited company. In this Privacy Notice, references to (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.), (“we”), or (“us”) are used. This document explains how (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) collects and uses personal information gathered through the Site, outlines the options you have regarding the use of your personal information, and provides guidance on updating and correcting that information.

1. Collection of Personal Data

(Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) acquires data from you, both directly and indirectly through our interactions and the Site. Some of this data is directly provided by you, while other information is obtained from your interactions, usage, and experiences on the Site. The data collected depends on your interactions with us, your choices, and your privacy settings. Additionally, we may gather data about you from third-party sources.

You retain the ability to make choices concerning the technology you employ and the data you share. You can decline to provide personal data when requested. However, some services necessitate certain personal data for their provision. In cases where data provision is optional and you choose not to share it, features relying on such data, such as personalization, might not be available to you.

Data you provide: This encompasses personal details you furnish directly when interacting with us. You may provide this information through form submissions, correspondence via phone or email, participation in events, or interactions on (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) platforms. It includes information required for orders, and profile completion. Your engagement in discussion boards, social media sharing via our Site, competition participation, and problem reporting also contribute to this dataset. Upon creating an account on our Platform, we require your first name, last name, and email address.

Payment Processing: If you purchase a course, payment and billing information, including address and credit card details, may be required. Such payment information provided on our Site’s checkout page is encrypted before transmission. However, such data falls under the purview of third-party payment processors and is not controlled by (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.). In these instances, the Privacy Notice of the third-party processor applies.

Data collected from Site usage: Each visit to our Site, whether by registered or non-registered users, generates automatic information collection. This encompasses technical details, visit-related information, and activity data, such as courses viewed, page interactions, and device-related data.

Data from third-party sources: We also gather information from third parties with whom we collaborate to provide, enhance, or promote our services. These may include business partners, vendors for technical and payment services, analytics providers, and search information sources.

2. Usage of Personal Data

(Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) employs the personal information you provide in accordance with this Privacy Notice, for the following purposes:

Service Provision: We utilize your personal data to deliver our services through the Site, encompassing obligations outlined in agreements between you and (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.). These services may involve granting access to our course offerings, account administration, billing, and notification of service or account changes.

Enhancement of Services: We leverage data to enhance the Site, adding new content, features, and capabilities.

Personalization: Data usage enhances user experience based on prior interactions with the Site.

Account Activation and Maintenance: Data like device identifiers is employed for account setup and maintenance.

Support: Personal data aids in responding to your assistance requests, including password resets and general troubleshooting.

Safety and Security: Information usage contributes to user and Site safety and security. This includes detecting malicious activities and monitoring compliance with terms of use.

Communications: We use personal data for account and Site-related communication.

Marketing: Personal data may be utilized to offer information about services that may interest you, enhancing your interaction with the Site. Marketing communication methods encompass email, direct mail, telephone, or the Site itself.

Legal Compliance: Personal data may be processed to adhere to legal requirements, such as privacy rights or tax reporting.

3. Access and Control of Personal Data

You have control over your data collected by (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.). Access and data protection rights can be exercised by contacting us or utilizing provided features. Some limitations to data access or control may exist as required by law, your employer, or group sponsor.

Control over interest-based advertising data:

• Select preferred marketing communications in your profile’s Communication Preferences.

• Use the “Unsubscribe” link in emails from us.

• Contact us at for assistance.

Not all personal data can be managed using these methods. Note that certain communications related to account service and support cannot be opted out of. Additionally, personal data shared directly with third parties can be controlled by contacting them.

4. Cookies and Similar Technologies

(Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) and its affiliates utilize cookies or comparable technologies to gather and store specific information. These technologies involve transferring or accessing information or code between your device and the Site. Cookies assist in generating a unique device ID, remembering interactions, and managing various features.

Most web browsers accept cookies by default. However, disabling cookies might limit your use of the Site.

Cookie types employed:

• Strictly necessary cookies.

• Analytical/performance cookies.

• Functionality cookies.

• Targeting cookies.

5. Data Security

(Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.) is committed to safeguarding personal data through various security controls and measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

6. Third-Party Services Access

This Privacy Notice solely pertains to our Site. Linked third-party websites operate independently and are not governed by our policies.

7. GDPR Compliance

If subject to GDPR, relevant regulations apply to your personal data’s processing by (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.).

8. Enforcement and Dispute Resolution

Compliance audits verify adherence to this Privacy Notice. Violations result in disciplinary action. Questions or concerns should be directed to Customer Support at

9. Personal Data Retention

Personal data is retained as required by law, legal claims, complaints, or legitimate interests even after the relationship ends.

10. Trial or Free Accounts

This Privacy Notice extends to all account types, whether paid, free, or trial-based.

11. Changes to Privacy Notice

Updates are made when needed, with clear communication of changes. Regularly review this Notice to understand (Aksell Trade sp.z o.o.)’s data protection practices. If you disagree, refrain from using our Site.

Contact info:

NIP: 5311703479